Problem: The lack of crosswalks and stoplines across streets intersecting Redwood Road makes it difficult for pedestrians to walk along Redwood Road. For an explanation of what is meant by “crosswalks and stoplines,” view the diagram below, which uses the intersection of 400 North and Redwood Road as an example. There are seven such intersections in the twelve block section of Redwood Road between 700 North and 500 South. Drivers frequently roll past the stop sign to the edge of Redwood Road without paying any heed to pedestrians attempting to cross the street.
Recommendation: Salt Lake City should work with UDOT to paint crosswalks and stoplines at these seven intersections. (Since Redwood Road is a state highway, UDOT has the final word on any changes.)
Next > Recommendation 3: Allow 24-Hour Travel on the Jordan River Parkway Trail