A table of contents is listed below. Click on a link to view the recommendation:
Overview of Routes from Half-Mile Buffer to North Temple
Recommendation 1: Traffic Signal at Redwood Road and North Star Drive (300 North)
Recommendation 2: Crosswalks and Stop Lines at Streets intersecting Redwood Road
Recommendation 3: Allow 24-Hour Travel on the Jordan River Parkway Trail
Recommendation 4: Improve Access across Commercial Property from New Star Drive
Recommendation 5: Create Path from Walnut Drive to Garside Avenue
Recommendation 6: Create Access across Fairpark from 300 North
Recommendation 7: Create Path along Canal
Recommendation 8: Complete Jordan River Parkway Trail
Recommendation 9: Create Path between 200 South and Redwood Road
Recommendation 10: Extend Garside Avenue south to 200 South